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Frequently Asked Questions


Who should use Magoosh?

Anyone can use Magoosh, but it's best for individuals who fall into one of the following categories:

Do I get support?

Yes. We respond to customer requests as quickly as possible usually within one business day if not sooner. You can use the "Help" tab on the Dashboard or email us at help@magoosh.com.

What if my question is not in this list?

Use the "Help" tab on left side of the Dashboard. We'll get back to you quickly.


Who created Magoosh's GRE practice questions?

Mike McGarry and Chris Lele created the content. Mike is a master of GRE math with over 20 years of teaching experience. Chris is an overall GRE expert and created the verbal questions and lessons.

How close are the questions to actual GRE questions?

Very close. Our experts have extensive knowledge of what the GRE tests and what it doesn't. In addition, we constantly measure the effectiveness of each question and update any questions that are not GRE-like.

How difficult are the questions?

Magoosh covers a wide range of difficulty from easy to very hard. We've designed the product to help you master the basics and progress towards your target score. For each question we provide the difficulty level.

Can I create my own custom GRE practice session?

Yes. You can choose the number of questions you want to answer and create practice sessions based on:

You can also exit a session at any time, and all the questions you did not answer will be available for your next session.

Can I re-answer previously answered questions?

Yes. By default we do not include questions you have already answered in your practice session, but you can create a custom practice session by clicking "Practice" in the header and choose to include questions you have already answered. In addition, we also allow you to create practice sessions with only incorrect questions or only flagged questions, so you can focus on your weak areas.

Do the correct answer and explanation always show up immediately after I answer the question?

No. By default, the correct answer and explanation will show up immediately after you answer the question, but you can create a custom "quiz-like" practice session in which you answer a series of questions without seeing the correct answers or explanations until the end.


What is the refund policy?

If you are unhappy with the product for any reason, let us know within 7 days of purchasing or upgrading your account, and we'll cancel your account and give you a full refund. Email us at help@magoosh.com.

Do I have to pay a monthly fee?

No, you pay once and have full access to the product for 6 months.

Do you store my credit card information?

No, all transactions are run through Paypal. We do not store anyone's credit card information.