Definition for


In diplomacy, to announce the intention of abrogating (a treaty) in accordance with its provisions or arbitrarily.

To make known in a formal manner; proclaim; announce; declare.

To proclaim or declare as impending or threatened; formally or publicly threaten to do or effect; make a menace of: as, to denounce war; to denounce punishment.

To proclaim censure or condemnation of; brand publicly; stigmatize; arraign: as, to denounce one as a swindler, or as a coward.

To make formal or public accusation against; inform against; accuse: used especially where knowledge of wrongful acts has been acquired confidentially or stealthily: as, to denounce a confederate in crime; to denounce one to the authorities.

In Mexican and Spanish mining-law:

To lay an information against (a mine) as forfeit because of abandonment, or through being insufficiently worked; hence, to claim the right to work (such a mine) by laying an information against it.

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