Definition for


Of or pertaining to an enemy: as, hostile ground.

Of inimical character or tendency; having or exhibiting enmity or antagonism; antagonistic: as, a hostile manifesto; hostile criticism.

Synonyms Averse, Adverse, Inimical, Hostile; unfriendly, warlike. Averse applies to feeling, adverse to action: as, I was very averse to his going; an adverse vote; adverse fortune. Inimical expresses both feeling and action, generally in private affairs. Hostile also expresses both feeling and action, but applies especially to public affairs; where it applies to private matters, it expresses either strong or conspicuous action or feeling, or both, or all.

noun – An enemy: specifically, in the United States, a hostile Indian; an Indian who is engaged in warfare against the whites.

noun – An enemy; esp., an American Indian in arms against the whites; -- commonly in the plural.

adjective – Belonging or appropriate to an enemy; showing the disposition of an enemy; showing ill will and malevolence, or a desire to thwart and injure; occupied by an enemy or enemies; inimical; unfriendly

adjective – Belonging or appropriate to an enemy; showing the disposition of an enemy; showing ill will and malevolence, or a desire to thwart and injure; occupied by an enemy or enemies; inimical; unfriendly

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