Definition for
To praise in words; speak or sing in praise of; especially, to extol or praise highly: as, to
noun – Praise; commendation; honorable mention.
noun – That part of divine worship which consists in praise.
noun – Music or a song in praise or honor of any one.
noun –
plural In the Roman Catholic Church, and in the Anglican Ch. as a monastic or devotional office, a religious service, forming, in combination with matins, the first of the seven canonical hours: so called from the reiterated ascriptions of praise to God in the last of the psalms (cxlviii., cxlix., cl.) which it contains. The usage in the Greek church is similar. See
noun – High commendation; praise; honor; exaltation; glory.
noun – A part of divine worship, consisting chiefly of praise; -- usually in the pl.
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