Definition for


noun – The act of prevaricating or deviating, especially from truth, honesty, or plain-dealing; evasion of truth or duty; quibbling or shuffling in words or conduct.

noun – Transgression; violation: as, the prevarication of a law.

noun – A secret abuse in the exercise of a public office or commission.

noun – In law: The conduct of an advocate who betrayed the cause of his client, and by collusion assisted his opponent.

noun – The undertaking of a thing falsely, with intent to defeat the object which it was professed to promote.

noun – The wilful concealment or misrepresentation of truth by giving evasive and equivocating evidence.

noun – The act of prevaricating, shuffling, or quibbling, to evade the truth or the disclosure of truth; a deviation from the truth and fair dealing.

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