Definition for


Affording a synopsis or general view of the whole or of the principal parts of a subject: as, a synoptic table; a synoptic history.

noun – One of the synoptic gospels; also, one of the writers of the synoptic gospels; a synoptist.

adjective – Affording a general view of the whole, or of the principal parts of a thing.

noun – One of the first three Gospels of the New Testament. See synoptist.

adjective – Of, or relating to a synopsis

adjective – In general, pertaining to or affording an overall view. In meteorology, this term has become somewhat specialized in referring to the use of meteorological data obtained simultaneously over a wide area for presenting a comprehensive and nearly instantaneous picture of the state of the atmosphere. Thus, to a meteorologist, synoptic takes the additional connotation of simultaneity.

adjective – presenting or taking the same point of view; used especially with regard to the first three gospels of the New Testament

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