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GRE Study Plans Quiz

Ready to study for the GRE but not sure where to begin? Take this short quiz to find your perfect study plan.

How far are you into your prep?

Do you have a particular subject (Math or Verbal) that you'd like to focus on?

About how long do you plan to study between now and taking the exam?

6 month math beginners
If you are serious about improving your GRE math score and you want a lot of detailed help, this is the plan for you. The focus here is to help you master math basics and then build off of that knowledge so that you’ll be able to tackle increasingly difficult questions and build confidence in your math skills!

6 month math advanced
This plan is for quant rockstars who are not content with a mere 160. This study guide includes plenty of help for students with a strong background in math so that you’ll be in striking distance of that perfect 170, while still providing lots of solid help for a great verbal score as well.

6 month weekly study plan
If you are interested in this plan, you are serious about increasing your GRE score and want a long-term plan. Maybe English isn’t your first language, you haven’t stepped into a math classroom in years, or you simply want a dramatic score increase. If you want some general help with structuring your plan of attack, this is the right study guide for you--provided you have 6 months to spare. This plan includes general instructions for each week, so it leaves plenty of room for personal adjustment based on your progress.

90 day advanced study plan
This study guide will give you specific, daily instructions to follow over the next few months. If you'd describe yourself in this way, this is the perfect plan for you!: "I actually feel reasonably comfortable with math & verbal; if I took the test today, I’d get around 310-320 combined score. I’m interested in refining my understanding and getting into the 320s region in the next twelve weeks.

3 month verbal focused study plan
This study guide will give you specific, daily instructions to follow over the next few months. You have a strong math background and aren't worried about that section at all-- you want extra help with vocabulary, reading comprehension, etc.!

3 month math focused study plan
This study guide will give you specific, daily instructions to follow over the next few months. If you'd describe yourself in the following way, this is the plan for you!: "I have a natural affinity with the verbal, but the math is far less intuitive for me. I would like to focus more there."

3 month study plan for beginners
This study guide will give you specific, daily instructions to follow over the next few months. The focus will be getting you up to speed slowly and building skills from scratch, so this study guide is perfect for those who haven’t seen in a standardized test in years and want a strong focus on the basics to start.

2-3 month general study schedule
So you’ve chiseled out some serious time over the next 60-90 days, but you don’t want to just flounder through endless GRE material, wasting precious time. This study guide will provide weekly guidelines for those who are self-motivated and feel constricted by step-by-step instructions. Why the wiggle room on the time? Well, some simply have more of it than others. And life does tend to throw unexpected stuff at us, so this leaves room for breaks!

1 month daily study schedule
You’ve given yourself just enough time to see a big improvement in your score, but that’s assuming you are going to be pretty diligent over the next month. Are you worried about getting overwhelmed with studying and want lots of specific help? This study guide will give you a step-by-step plan with daily instructions to improve your score and keep you focused and motivated!

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