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Having trouble loading videos in Magoosh?

Our videos are hosted around the world and sometimes servers in a specific country fail, causing temporary errors. If our videos still fail to load after 24 hours, here are some troubleshooting steps to try:

Step 1: Change your browser

  • Magoosh tends to work best with Google Chrome
  • Mozilla Firefox is another good option if Chrome isn’t working
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer and Edge are not recommended
  • You can also try disabling browser extensions. Here’s how to disable them for Chrome and for Firefox

Step 2: Try another device

Try loading our videos on another laptop, phone, or tablet.

Step 3: Try another network

Some networks, especially work or university networks, block traffic from our video host.

Step 4: Contact your ISP

If you’ve tried another device on your home network and our videos still fail to load, you may want to contact your Internet Service Provider to see if they can help.