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Magoosh Student Review

This is a survey response from an actual Magoosh student after they took the GRE.

Jan 26, 2020

What was your overall score on the actual GRE? 318
What was your math score? 156
What was your verbal score? 162
How did Magoosh help you?
I was nervous about taking the GRE because I haven’t done this kind of math since high school. I also was trying to prepare for it on top of a stressful work schedule, and didn’t have a lot of free time to study. Magoosh’s practice questions turned out to be very similar types to what was on the test, so I knew what to expect. The detailed explanations for each question also helped me significantly in re-learning a lot of these math concepts (as well as strategies for doing well on the verbal portion too!). The mobile app was also helpful in reviewing while on the go, when I didn’t always have my laptop with me. Despite only preparing about a month before the test, I did fairly well and I got decently above the minimum scores required for my anticipated grad program. Thank you so much!