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Magoosh Student Review

This is a survey response from an actual Magoosh student after they took the GRE.

Jul 6, 2020

What was your overall score on the actual GRE? 323
What was your math score? 161
What was your verbal score? 162
How did Magoosh help you?
Magoosh is amazing. I went from not even knowing what the GRE was to getting a great score in two months. I followed the 3 month study plan and felt that magoosh prepared me so well that I took my GRE a month early and only completed 2 of the study plan months. I got a 323 total, and was so happy with my score I cried. Magoosh prepared me so well, especially for the quant section which I really struggled with in the beginning. They teach you so many handy tricks and teach you to really learn things and work through things, instead of giving you a superficial understanding of the material. I really can't thank Magoosh enough. I came into GRE studying so nervous, clueless and unprepared and came out with an amazing score I couldn't be happier with. Thank you Magoosh!!!