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Magoosh Student Review

This is a survey response from an actual Magoosh student after they took the GRE.

Jun 5, 2021

Score Improvement: +11 points
What was your overall score on the actual GRE? 314
What was your math score? 156
What was your verbal score? 158
If you took the GRE before, what was your previous math score? 145
If you took the GRE before, what was your previous verbal score? 158
How did Magoosh help you?
This is for all the “average Joe’s” out there: Magoosh can drastically improve your score. Before purchasing Magoosh, I looked at many of the Magoosh reviews and was a little hesitant; most of the reviews were written by people scoring in the 320s or above. That’s great for them, but I hadn’t scored well at all on my first GRE attempt and wanted to have realistic expectations about my score potential. I needed to increase my quant score by at least 8 points for my grad program of choice, so I hammered math like there was no tomorrow. I watched every lesson video and completed over 400 math problems. Needless to say, Magoosh worked wonders for me. I gained 11 points in quant! (My verbal score didn’t improve at all, but that’s to be expected because I spent no time studying for it.) Magoosh can work wonders for learners at any level, even below average math scorers like me. I’m thankful for Magoosh and would recommend it to anyone.