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Magoosh Student Review

This is a survey response from an actual Magoosh student after they took the GRE.

Jul 21, 2021

What was your overall score on the actual GRE? 330
What was your math score? 162
What was your verbal score? 168
How did Magoosh help you?
I am a nurse, and I was working full time in the middle of a pandemic in addition to studying for the GRE. I had been out of school for several years and it had been even more years since the last time I took a math class. I didn’t have time to pour over multiple books and resources. A friend recommended Magoosh and I’m so glad she did. The website boiled down concepts for me so I didn’t have to waste time looking at different resources. I could skip concepts I felt comfortable with already and the video transcripts appealed to my learning style (I like to read as opposed to listen). I was able to do flash cards on the Magoosh app while I was traveling or had down time at work. I thought the price was more than fair for the amount of content I got, and I loved that I could “pause” my membership when I got swamped with work. 10 stars!