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Magoosh Student Review

This is a survey response from an actual Magoosh student after they took the GRE.

May 27, 2023

What was your overall score on the actual GRE? 338 with a 6 on Analytical writing.
What was your math score? 169
What was your verbal score? 169
How did Magoosh help you?
The practice questions were essential! But in addition, I followed the math-intensive study plan which gave me exactly what I needed to do every day. I watched all of the math videos twice and then rewatched the tricky ones every morning while making breakfast. And the vocab flash cards were a huge game-changer as well.

But the biggest thing was just providing structure. I was working full time as a teacher (48+ hours a week) with lots of travel while also taking a microeconomics class. Having the structure and knowing that if I stuck to the plan I would have a good showing was huge. And then having a guide for the day of and the days leading up to it were also huge. Knowing what to expect the first time walking into the testing center relieved a lot of stress.