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More Reversers

Okay, in this video, we are dealing with another reverser or shifting sentence. And we, of course, wanna note this new word here that is however, this is another reverser. So let's read the sentence, an investigation that is unplanned can sometimes yield useful leads. The clue word here is unplanned, you have this unplanned investigation.

Sometimes helpful, however, so know there's that reverser. So we're gonna take that clue word, and we're gonna come up with the opposite. So consistently finding helpful leads is usually contingent or based upon a blank search again, note sentence structure here. So we have our words however, and then break down the sentence, and then of course, we know the structure, that is, the opposite of unplanned here is a plan search.

Again that structure is we have a reverser separated in this case by both the semicolon and the comma. But we know that the first part of the sentence starting with an investigation going to here, that is two useful leads, is opposite from the part beginning here and ending with search. Again the clue word is unplanned therefore that's contrasting with the planned search.

Now of course we match, once we propose the keyword, we match by, oppose, the key word or the crue word is unplanned, and therefore let's go through the answers we have, arbitrary. Arbitrary means random, without a purpose, we want planned. Premeditated, if you are premeditated, you think before you do something, you plan, just like that.

There is our answer, whimsical means playful. And this fanciful, unpredictable sort of way doesn't work. Desultory means rambling and unplanned, and is a good GRE word to know, but it is not the answer. Aggressive, of course, does not mean planned. And just like that we've identified the structure, we found the clue, we've opposed or come up with the opposite of the clue, in this case is unplanned, we have planned, and then we match our answers.

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